Abstract: The DIARIUM-PROJEKT is a (literary) diary, established in 1996, which researches the question: can personal life be considered to be a poetic text? If so, how does it influence the actual and the forthcoming life? *)
The DIARIUM - Project is a (literary) diary, established in 1996, which researches the question:
Can personal life be considered to be a poetic text? ( If so, how does it influence the actual and the forthcoming life?) *)
Since January 1996 material such as events, emotions, ideas, thoughts, words, things is collected in form of entries in a handwritten diary.
1996-1998 Out of this material very condensed, assoziatively written texts were made. They look like anagrammatic, surreal aphorisms. Additional to the recent material of the day some parts of the last years´ text is integrated to provide a continuity of remembering. Thus self organizing textsystems can come into existance which continously create new images of the reality and break up the linear lines of time.
1999 only the collection of material was done. From these notes a text for each month was made with integrated pieces of reminiscences and partly associatively alienated.
2000 started a new way to work. Now texts were made without the step of collecting material. They were put together in the head daily. For this procedure no written means were used. This working method lasted until December (The daily texts were also published for WAP-Handy http://art.wapjag.com/ diarium2000)
2001 a radical change in presentation took place. Using the calendar design only the date of the days for which notes existed were published. Because now notes weren´t written daily but had to be remembered, the linear calendaric progression of time were broken up for a more cyclic-repetitive experience of time. 2001 was designed as a concrete text without content. An exception is the time from Oct.25 to Oct.29 / Nov.21 (tumor diagnosis, honeymoon, surgery, final results).
2002 s´ text is a strictly visual text. Particles of handwriting from the daily notes were isolated, edited with grafic tools on a MAC computer and put together to a picture containing one months´ information. All 12 pictures were arranged using the calendar design to a years´ picture. Thus the literary text was extended to a visual texture.
2003 again daily texts from the notes were produced. For these texts a new very reduced and restricted, haiku-like form was developed. The text consists of exactly 36 characters and is tranformed into a picture of 4x3 color squares by means of HTML (This visual transformation procedure for texts, called The Squaring of Words / Quadratur der Worte was developed by the author in 1997.) The literary text becomes a pure visual text without any literary traces.
2004, 2005 and 2006 the same method of textproduction and its visual transformation is used as 2003. What has changed is that the visualisation no longer produces a singular picture for every day but a daily growing picture in which the new text informations get integrated and extend its grafic structures. This makes the visual texture of the year more visible.
2006 additionally a daily picture is produced which has but reduced colors. By this important emotional informations for this very day stay available.
2007 text production and visualization as 2005.
2008 text production and visualization as 2005, additionally the daily text is displayed as DataMatrix (DM) mobile code and can be read by mobile code capable cell phones.
2009 text production and visualization as 2005, plus a drawing on ZINK™ paper weekly.
2010 text production and visualization as 2005, plus a photo with drawings on ZINK™ paper daily.
2011 text production and visualization as 2005, plus daily physical and psychic datas, music videoclips from YouTube and examples of recent picture production.
2012 text production and visualization as 2005, plus daily physical and psychic datas, and a photograph. This daily photo is a multi-exposure on instant film of up to 5 different shots of the recent day. The photo is part of the "Instant Memor 2012" - Project.
2013 brings a change: no more instant photos and no more biological data. The latter are replaced by a scan of the empty blisters of my blood pressure medication drug. It thus reflects and depicts my physicalness and expands my work into the spatial / three-dimensional. What stays the same are the (36 characters long) texts and their transformation into a daily growing color pattern (see 2003), as well as the spiritual level: ש ה ג נ
2014 instead of the blister a daily photograph of my left eye is presented to provide biological as well as psychic data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2015 this year a daily photograph of my mouth provides biological as well as psychic data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2016 my body temperature when awakening in the morning provides this year´s biological data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2017 my heartrate / pulse in the morning provides this year´s biological data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2018 my fasting plasma glucose level provides recent year´s biological data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2019 again, my fasting plasma glucose level provides recent year´s biological data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013.
2020 3rd year in a row my fasting plasma glucose level provides recent year´s biological data. The text and the spiritual level are displayed the same way as 2013. Starting with October, 26th links to Domenico Scarlatti´s Sonatas, which I listened to are added. It is an addition to Mimo: Scarlatti daily season 3 .
2021 This year my daily entry is enhanced to 5 levels: the text level - (36 characters long) texts and their transformation into a daily growing color pattern (see 2003), the biological level - my fasting plasma glucose level, the spiritual level: ש ה ג נ, the 4th level: the music level. It provides a link to my weblog Mimo: Scarlatti daily with a daily Domenico Scarlatti´s Sonata and a song played by Chet Baker and as 5the level: fortune. I draw 2 cards of a Spanish card deck and display them. This level was inspired by Domenico Scarlatti and his gambling addiction.
2022 Same as 2021
2023 This year brings a change in the biological information, the body weight is displayed. And there is a new feature: display of the daily text as Squaring of Words 2.0 The Squaring of Words 2.0 means, that the text gets converted in QR code whose individual particles are coloured in the colours of the text transformed by HTML code. The spiritual level remains the same: ש ה ג נ as well as the hoped-for happiness level in the form of 2 playing cards. However, the musical level is omitted.
2024 Same as 2023
2025 Same as 2024, but with one modification: The display of the daily text as Squaring of Words 2.0 is simplyfied and reduced. The QR - code is made invisble by coloring it grey. Only colored particles of it remain visible. Always 3 particles are arranged as a triangle shaped group and have the same color. This Squaring of Words 3.0 can be read as a graphical musical score.
The rest of the presentation stays the same as 2024
Using different ways and procedures of artistic production I try to find an answer to the question: Can personal life be considered to be a poetic text? Moreover it documents my development from a writer to an artist using different media.
#Tagebuch #tagebuch #diary #diarium #togbukh #journalintime
©2025 s.holzbauer |